the swimsuit edit

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Swimsuit season: for many women, this is a time of the year that brings dread. That used to be me, and to be honest, it often still is.

On my TikTok channel, I talk a lot about insecurities and how they’re totally normal and okay. You can be the most confident woman on the planet and still have insecurities (why do you think the Kardashians have had so much work done and don’t talk about it). I’ve come along way on my self-acceptance journey, and I think finding my personal style has had a lot to do with that.

I often say: ‘it’s not you, it’s the clothes’ - it’s just a matter of finding the right clothes that make you feel confident and beautiful! You can watch my original ‘choosing the right swimsuit for you’ TikTok down below if you’d like to learn more about the different swimsuit styles that I’d recommend and why.

Scroll through the roundup of those styles (plus a few extra) just below to find your favs (and to check out mine). Most of my swimwear is from aerie; that’s what I’ve shared here, as I can personally recommend them. I would love to try more sustainable brands though, so please share if there are any that you’d recommend!

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girl sitting in Miami underneath an umbrella and palm trees on a lounge chair, aesthetic beach photo, vacation vibe, swimwear instagram inspo

as seen on TikTok:

video transcript:

‘how to choose your perfect swimsuit…and here’s just a reminder that if you have nothing nice to say, do not say it. The comment section is a positive, safe space and any negativity will not be tolerated.

high-cut bathing suits are going to make your legs look longer, and this lacing is naturally cinching in my waist. Most of the swimsuits I’m about to share are old from aerie by the way.

And because I have broader shoulders for a pear, I like straps that sit wider. Halter necks are going to emphasize the broadness of my shoulders. This bathing suit also really emphasizes the shortness of my leg. It’s combatted by the fact that it’s a similar tone to my skin, but if the swimsuit was black for example, I would look very chopped up.

Bathing suit bottoms that kind of scoop like this lengthen both your legs and your torso at the same time. This by comparison is probably one of the least flattering swimsuits that I could wear. All of these straight across horizontal lines are really breaking up my body. It’s created this wide rectangle here, which is really highlighting my broadness, and then this has basically created a highlighting tube around my belly, showing off my love handles, shortening my torso, and of course the contrast between the darker bathing suit and my skin has really shortened my legs.

If you’re looking for bottoms with a little more coverage, I love a pair like this where it sits right at your natural waistline. It’s not super high cut, but it’s still giving a little shape here. Ruching is always nice to look for because it’s not suctioned right to your body. So if you’re feeling a little self-conscious, it can detract attention away from you.

Getting a bathing suit in a colour that really suits you is going to make all the difference, because at the end of the day, it’s just you and the bathing suit.

It took a shit ton of courage to make this video, and I’m already second guessing myself as to whether or not I want to post it; but when I was younger, if I could have seen someone who looked just like me wearing a bathing suit, I probably would have felt comfortable enough to do so, instead of hiding and wearing t shirts and shorts in the water every time I went swimming.

I hope you found this video helpful, and please, only kind comments. Follow for more practical style tips.


the shorts edit


Las Olas Boulevard: Fort Lauderdale, Florida