Top 5 Reasons I Love to Travel

Today is Thursday and I usually post something in an hour. I have nothing written, and of course I’m at work at my family’s salon and I’m extremely lucky that my Baba loves my blog so much that she lets me write this stuff at work sometimes. So today I’m going to take a break from our little European adventure and refocus for next week, after I prepare a few posts over the weekend (This is hopeful: I may just sleep after my extensive school project I’ve been working on the last two weeks. But don’t fear, Venice PII will be up next Tuesday nonetheless).

So with a break from our regularly scheduled programming, I present to you:

Top 5 reasons I love to travel.

Banff, Alberta - August 2015

Now here is a disclaimer: this list changes for me frequently, but today this is what I’m feeling.

1. New and Shiny

I love seeing things I’ve never seen before. Toting my camera around wherever I go and being able to snap a million pictures of things I can’t see back home is so amazing for me.7

2. Lifelong Learning

I may just be a bit of a nerd, but I love learning new things. I soak up knowledge like a sponge. My cup is always empty; traveling and learning about the places I’m going helps to fill it up. History, culture, fun facts…that’s my jam.

Rome, Italy - September 2015


All the foodies in the house, please stand up. A classmate of mine said she would love to do a “foodie tour” of Europe, and I would gladly join her. Trying new foods, experiencing different flavours, and eating food in the place that it comes from are all glorious side-effects of traveling.

The Vancouver Fish Company, Granville Island, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - August 2015

4. Adventure

The thrill of being in a different place, trying new things, and always being on the go is all the adventure I need, and I can get that while traveling. No need to push me off an airplane, just send me on an African safari or finding my way on the London Underground.

Costa Rica - April 2013

5. The World

Obviously. The world is such a beautiful, magnificent place and we are all blessed to be here. Why not explore all of its wonder? I feel that I can make the best of my life through traveling.

Amalfi Coast, Italy - September 2015

Alright, so that is my brief list of the top 5 reasons I love traveling. What are your reasons?


Gondolas on the Grand Canal


Pizza or Piazza