Visiting the British Museum in London

The British Museum is a beautiful place, holding much of the world’s knowledge and accomplishments. Although somewhat controversial, I do find it rather nice to be able to see pieces of history from all over the world in one (free) place. While other museums charge hefty prices to see the world’s most priceless artifacts, the British Museum keeps the cost at nothing for all who enter.British MuseumBritish MuseumIt was quite exhausting to walk through all the exhibits, but we managed to see quite a bit in just our three hours there. My advice would be to pre research the museum online and make a plan.Egyptian stuffRosetta StoneAfrican artCleopatra mummygun chairLewis ChessmenThe Room of Enlightenment was by far my favourite; the room displays discoveries and collections made during the Enlightenment period. A time filled with learning, it makes for a fascinating showcase of what they found fascinating back then. The room itself is remarkable, originally functioning as a library for King George III.Room of EnlightenmentRoom of EnlightenmentThere is so much history and culture to be discovered here, and if you want in depth information I would highly recommend purchasing at the very least a guide, or perhaps the Companion for the Collections to educate yourself fully. There is simply not enough time to even read all of the exhibits in a day. Derek and I barely managed to just walk through the whole place in just three hours. As one of my favourite museums, I highly encourage everyone to go, whether you like museums or not.british museum

Plan your visit to the British Museum:



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