What's Next for "A Lady and her Luggage"?

This is my 50th blog post! (Insert victory dance here.) Today, I have promised you all I would share what’s happening with “A Lady and her Luggage”.

So what’s next for this blog?

It is a question I keep asking myself, as I’m constantly coming up with new ideas that I’d love to implement here. I’d really love to grow and expand what I’m putting out there on catkittlitz.ca. I started this blog to reminisce on my travels in a way that was fun for me, and now that that’s over with, I can focus on what’s to come.

Greek Isles cruise - September 2015

I’ll definitely be featuring more of my local travel adventures (hello, Travel Alberta!) as well as different international destinations as I continue to travel more and more (I hope). I’d love to share with you all more of my favourite local places, restaurants, and events, so I can get the opportunity to venture out and try them too! I tend to try new places to eat often, and for me to be a source of recommendation for my friends and family is exciting.

Capilano Suspension Bridge, Vancouver, Canada - August 2015

I think for me, moving away from a story-format to just sharing more important details is what will keep me loving what I do! I’m going to be moving away from lengthy posts to something shorter and sweeter so they’ll be a quick and easy read on the go (and easier for me to post more often!).

Animal Kingdom, Disney World, Florida, USA - January 2014

One thing I’ve been really interested in doing is interviewing different travelers in my life and sharing their stories with you guys so we all can experience different outlooks on the wonderful world of travel. If you are interested in being featured and sharing a travel tale or two, I’d love to hear it!

Costa Rica - April 2013

Of course, I’d also love to hear from you! What do you want to see here? This blog is a place I can share and record my knowledge and I love that, but it’s also a place where I can grow a community of people who love travel as much as I do! This is a subject of much passion for me, and I just want to continue discovering as much as I can and sharing those discoveries.

Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada - September 2016

Thank you for taking the time to be part of my little travel community. Thanks for sticking around for 50 entries of my own personal travel diary.

xo Cat.

Alberta, Canada - September 2016


Top 4 Reasons to Travel with Your Family (and Top 4 Reasons You Shouldn’t)


Lastly, Lovely London