Marvelous Macarons

Duchess Bake Shop

After Julianna and I indulged in a delicious Sunday Brunch, we headed over to Duchess Bake Shop for a sweet Sunday treat!

Waiting for Julianna's cappuccino

Although most of the good stuff was already gone (it was late in the afternoon at this point), we still managed to get a few tasty macarons!

Our box of macarons

Pumpkin Pie, Salted Caramel, Lemon, and Vanilla were the flavours left, so we had two of each of course.

Taking our sweets to goPretty cappuccino artTaking our macarons and some tea to go, we were glad we stopped by, as they were well worth it.Julianna and her "fairy cheesburgers"A first biteVanilla was our winning flavor, though we can’t wait to go back and try more!Vanilla is the winner!


Sweater Weather


Sunday Brunch in YEG