Homemade Lemonade: Simple & Satisfying

Heat got you beat? Here’s my recipe for homemade lemonade - it’s just the cure!

Homemade Lemonade


7 lemons

1 cup of sugar

4 cups of water

A fistful of fresh mint

A glassful of ice

Lemonade ingredients


Juice six out of the seven lemons. If you don’t have a citrus juicer (like me), cut off the ends and then slice the lemon into four quarters to squeeze. I’ve found this works best. I prefer my lemonade with pulp, so I juice them directly into the pitcher. If you're a strictly no-pulp kind of person, squeeze them into a measuring cup and then strain into the pitcher. Once in the pitcher, add the sugar, and stir well. Add the water and stir again. Slice the seventh lemon (potential band name up for grabs) and throw it and the mint in the pitcher. Serve over ice.

Lemonade ingredientsLemons on marblemaking Lemonade


I’ve found this recipe works best with just a dash of love: think – just like Grandma used to make. Also since lemonade is very “to taste” adjust the ingredients if needed. I prefer weaker (and then all those freaking lemons I squeezed go farther) so I add more water. Want stronger? Add less water. Sweeter? More sugar. Want sour? More lemons! The mint becomes more prominent the longer the pitcher sits.

Try it out and let me know what you think!

fresh homemade lemonaderefreshing drink

Why Homemade Lemonade?

If you know me, you know I love dining and entertaining. Since it has become a bigger part of life recently, I will be incorporating more related posts here on my blog. You can find all my food and dining posts here. Food is such an important part of culture, which is a key aspect of traveling. I didn't want to leave anything out! Stay tuned for more fun recipes and places to eat: from one foodie to another.Fresh lemonade girl 

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