Enjoy the Snow: Don't get SAD

Now that it's January and the snow has set in for many of us, but the magic of the holidays has passed, it's rather easy to get blue. So easy, in fact, that they even created Blue Monday. It's a day in January that is literally the most depressing day in the whole year. As a long-time sufferer of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), I've spent a lot of time figuring out ways to get over this blue time. One of the best ways that I've found is to get out and enjoy the snow.

Enjoy the snow, in Banff National Park, Canada. Wearing my coziest winter gear.

Here are my top ways to enjoy the snow, regardless of the weather:

  • Do you wanna build a snowman? - Anna got something right when she wanted to lighten the mood between her sister Elsa and her by building a snowman. Bonus points for making extra unique snow people! (If you didn't get this reference, we probably can't be friends. But if you'd like to, check out this movie!)

Making a snow angel - different ways to enjoy the snow.

  • Make snow angels - Have you ever laid down in a pile of fresh, fluffy snow? Then you might know the feeling of childlike bliss you get from waving your arms and legs around in it.
  • Go winter hiking - just look at the smile on my face in this post and this post. I guarantee you'll enjoy it far more than summer hiking. No bugs to prey on your flesh, no sweat dripping into areas you never knew they could drip, and wool socks (especially my favs from Roots) always make everything more comfortable.
  • Ice skate outdoors - "but I don't like skating," one might say had they only been on an indoor rink. Skating outside has no comparison, whether it be under the stars or the sunshine, on a forested lake, or a flooded pond. I encourage to give skating in the fresh air a try. Plus, how cute are these ice skates?

Standing in the snow in Banff's Surprise Corner wearing a nordic sweater

  • Travel somewhere you can enjoy the snow - perhaps a visit to the Alps is in order, or an escape to Norway. Better yet, come for a visit to the Great White North. We'll teach the world to love winter, if it's the last thing we do.
  • Buy practical snow gear you love - I guarantee winter will be infinitely better for you once you have the right gear. No one wants to be that girl freezing to death in a fall sweater. And no one wants to be that guy wick-wicking in a giant marshmallow suit. Find something cute, comfortable, and warm to wear. I've linked a few of my favourites below!

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  • Try snowmobiling - For a bit more of a thrill, try Canada's favourite winter machine. Heck, why not use it for transportation?
  • Take a sleigh ride - I don't think it can get any more magical than that.

horse-drawn sleigh in the snow

  • Attempt snowshoeing, skiing, or snowboarding - I say attempt because these three require a tad more skill (or gear) than the previous items on this list. But all worthwhile if you end up loving it!
  • Stay cozy by the fire...outdoors - you know I'm all about that hygge life, and what could be more hygge than being in nature with an open flame during the coldest months of the year?! Just read my favourite hygge book to figure out that answer if you don't believe me.
  • Take a dip: hot or cold - the Scandinavians do it, and they're some of the happiest people in the world. It must be a good way to enjoy the snow. Ice baths and saunas give your body that extra oomph to get it through the winter.

Throwing snow into the air, playing outside to enjoy the snow. Winter at Banff National Park, Canada.

Have I missed any of your favourite ways to enjoy the snow? Let me know in the comments below. I hope these winter activities help you keep away that January blues.

Enjoy the snow and fight against seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Winter in Banff, Canada.

Keep in mind...

SAD is no joke. It's still best to reach out to someone you love or talk to a health professional if you are feeling any of the symptoms of SAD. You can also talk to someone at Crisis Services Canada, or your local equivalent.

Winter in Banff National Park, Canada.


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