Lake Louise

First glimpse of Lake Louise

Believe it or not, out of all the times I’ve been to Banff and even the many times venturing up to Moraine Lake, I have not stopped at the actual Lake Louise.

Mountain outfit

 So for the first time this fall, I did that. Finding a place to park was not easy, and walking to the lake I was weary of the busloads of tourists walking towards and away from the spot, but as soon as I caught a glimpse of the lake, I realized it was worth it.

Lake Louise

The flat brilliantly blue lake was magnificent. Even with all the people, you could still manage to find a piece of shoreline all to yourself, with different views from every stop.

Finding my own piece of shoreline at Lake Louise

The Chateau was fenced off just for guests but peeking through the gate it looked like a lovely place to stay.

Taking chances on the rocks at Lake Louise

Though my sister and I didn’t stay long (we had other places to stop on our road trip), we got to wander and take it all in.

Julianna at Lake Louise

It was a cool fall day, and the clouds and the light mist added a wonderful mood to the area. Before we left, the crowds did die down, they seem to come in waves. The rain started to pick up so we bid adieu to this mountain paradise.

Taking a break before hitting the road

 As we got back to my car, I was sure happy I had my blanket scarf, vest, and sweater to keep me warm! These shoes were perfect and comfortable for taking a light mountain stroll (P.S. they are almost half price right now!).


The Icefields Parkway


Vermillion Lakes Scenic Drive